Pilates Classes

with Mr Pilates

Stability + Mobility + Strength + Stamina 



Pilates at Body Control


I teach Zoom Classes and Studio Privates with Body Control Pilates.

Wednesday at 8.00am “Wake Up with Kevin” Mat Pilates. A mixed ability Pilates class suitable for all levels.

Bookings for Zoom Classes - prices & for more information, call 020 7636 8900 or email info@bodycontrol.co.uk

Body Control Pilates, 35 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HH www.bodycontrolpilates.com

I also teach face to face - 1 to 1 Private studio classes, which included exercises on the Cadillac, Reformer, Ladder Barrel and Split Pedal chair. Bookings can be made easily just by clicking the button below.


What People Are Saying

I enjoy Kevin’s classes basically because he is such a good teacher . This means that I have come to understand not just what you do in Pilates but exactly how and why you do it .

The classes are always well-balanced - you cover all areas of the body and all the different types of exercise. The exercises are also carefully interspersed with stretches which enable me to recover and ready myself for the next challenge. The classes are built around familiar exercises then you use that platform to introduce novel exercises and to increase the level of difficulty. You do all of this in a way which actually makes exercise enjoyable.

I also enjoy that, in the virtual class, I can do national and even international Pilates . I am in Liverpool Kevin teaches in London and we link up with people in Bath and Melbourne Australia. If we have another lockdown virtual Pilates will be a great way for families and friends to be together, by exercising together, even if they are in different towns or even countries.

Margaret - Liverpool


Highly recommended! Great class on Monday night with the foam roller! A fab addition to Pilates and really worked on those tight muscles!

Karen - Edinburgh (ok this is my sister, but that’s her honest opinion!)


Thanks for the great on-line pilates with roller class last night Kevin. Straightened out my hunched up desk shoulders ☺

Clare - Bath


I've been doing Friday classes with Kevin for about 2,5 years, and recently I've changed my employment so, unfortunately, I can't do these classes anymore. Kevin has a contagious positive energy which he generously shares with the group setting everyone up ready for the weekend. My weekend mood always kicked in on Friday evening if I made it to Kevin's class. More importantly I had a back problem before joining Kevin's Pilates classes and my core strength wasn't great. Gradually, I managed to build strength in my core and now I can do things that I couldn't do after I got my back problem - I can do plough (putting feet behind the head while lying down on the floor) and shoulder stand! I can't express enough how grateful I am for Pilates classes taught by Kevin and his infinite desire to help other people by teaching them the right techniques!

Olga - London


It is one of the very few bonuses of Corona virus that Kevin is now doing zoom classes. He used to teach near us, but his venue was redeveloped .... but now hurray I can have a class at home. I always enjoy his classes and feel better and more mobile afterwards.

Polly - Facebook


Kevin - thank you for your class today; it was so well structured and your instructions were super clear - and encouraging.

Body Control Pilates Client


Pilates Video Clips


This video will help strengthen your glutes and assist while walking, running, cycling and also help with your posture.
Hundreds is a great Pilates exercise to gradually build stability and also strength to your abdominals. Try each level and see if you can do 100 repetitions....
Diamond Press is a brilliant exercise to begin to strengthen the muscles in the neck and upper spine. If you find yourself spending a lot of time in front of...

Contact Me

My Contact Details

Call: +44 (0) 7932 716944

Kevin trained with Body Control Pilates and has gained the following skills/qualifications

Level 3 Matwork 

BC Certified Teacher 300DPI

Matwork Evolution

Intermediate Matwork

Advanced Matwork

CPR /Basic Life Support

Pilates on the Ball

Pilates and Pregnancy - Levels 1 & 2

Reformer 1 & 2 - Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Spine Corrector & Pilates Arc

Cadillac 1

Ladder Barrel


Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Instructing Pilates Matwork


Kevin is a member of the Body Control Pilates Association


Do you have 6 minutes to watch a fun clip about Joseph Pilates, click the frame below

Special thanks to Jasmin Saulo for the profile pictures 

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